Settings applied by the Browser Optimization Tool

The Browser Optimization Tool automatically applies recommended browser settings and whitelists the MLS for many common pop-up blockers.

What does the Browser Optimization Tool (BOT) do?

Rather than disabling the Yahoo! or Google pop-up blocker, the BOT adds the MLS to the Yahoo! and Google whitelists, so that you can leave these pop-up blockers enabled if desired.

This important setting ensures that you will always see the most recent MLS information.

Adobe's Flash Player is required for viewing Feature Spotlights and other multimedia presentations available in the MLS. Running the BOT automatically updates computers that have an older version of Flash Player to Flash Player 9. Those without Flash Player are directed to Adobe's Flash Player download page.

See "Run the Browser Optimization Tool" to learn how to run this utility.

NOTE: In addition to running the BOT, you can improve the speed and overall performance of the MLS on your computer with proper configuration of your antivirus software.

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